**Terms of Service**

**Standard Business Terms and Customer Information**

**I. Standard Business Terms**

**§ 1 Basic Provisions**
- These business terms apply to all contracts concluded with us as a supplier via the www.zeenart.com website, unless otherwise agreed upon. Your own conditions are not included unless agreed upon.

**§ 2 Conclusion of the Contract**
- The contract pertains to the sale of products.
- Once you place a product on our website, we provide a binding offer to conclude a contract via the online shopping cart system, subject to the conditions specified in the item description.
- The purchase agreement occurs through the online shopping cart system. You submit your order, review the order data, and click the "purchase" button to finalize the order.

**§ 3 Individually-Designed Products**
- You provide necessary information for customizing goods through our online ordering system or via email promptly after contract conclusion.

**§ 4 Right of Retention, Reservation of Proprietary Rights**
- You may only exercise a right of retention for claims arising from the same contractual relationship.
- Goods remain our property until the purchase price is fully paid.

**§ 5 Warranty**
- Statutory warranty rights apply. Promptly check delivered products for completeness, visible defects, and transport damage, and disclose complaints to us and the shipping company in writing.

**§ 6 Choice of Law, Place of Fulfilment, Jurisdiction**
- German law applies. Our place of business is the place of jurisdiction and fulfillment for all services resulting from our business relationships.

**II. Customer Information**

**1. Identity of the Seller**
- Email: contact.zeenart@gmail.com

**2. Information Regarding the Conclusion of the Contract**
- The technical steps of the contract conclusion, execution, and correction options follow the regulations outlined in our standard business terms.

**3. Contractual Language, Saving the Text of the Contract**
- English is the contract language. The complete text of the contract is not saved with us but can be printed or electronically saved before submitting the order.

**4. Main Features of the Product or Service**
- Key features are provided in the respective quote.

**5. Prices and Payment Arrangements**
- Prices are total, including taxes but excluding shipping costs. Additional delivery costs may apply for non-EU countries.

**6. Delivery Conditions**
- Delivery conditions and date can be found on our website or in the respective quote.

**7. Statutory Warranty Right**
- Liability for defects is governed by the warranty provisions in our general terms and conditions of business.

For additional information, including legal details and dispute resolution, please visit our website or contact us directly.